Start 2025 fresh with a Holiday Recovery Loan!

Ready to recover from the holiday spending?

Start 2025 fresh with a Holiday Recovery Loan! With our Holiday Recovery Loan, enjoy a special 7.9% APR—but hurry, this rate vanishes after January 31, 2025! Apply today!”

✅  Low rate of 7.9% APR!
✅  Ends 1/31/2025

APPLY Today!


*APR – Annual Percentage Rate.  Lowest possible APR for Qualified Borrowers.   Example $1500 @ 7.9% APR for 12 months plus origination fee = $130.46. *All loans subject to approval. Special loan ends: 1/31/2025.

Slide Past Your Loan Payments with Skip-a-Pay!

“Slide Right Past Your Nov or Dec Loan Payment with WECU!”

Slide into savings this holiday season with WECU’s Skip-a-Pay! Enjoy more cash for what matters most – family, fun, and festivities! When you skip your WECU *qualified loan payments.

White Eagle Credit Union is pleased to offer its members, the 2024 Holiday Skip-a-Payment.  Members can choose to skip their qualified loan payments for either the month of November OR December of this year.  This does include all White Eagle Credit Union loans except first mortgages and fixed rate second mortgages.

Check to see if your qualify today.  Fill out and bring in the form below or stop in and see a loan officer today.

WINTER Skip a Payment 2024

Relax with new low Auto Loan Rates

Relax and Hit the Road with Our New Low Auto Loan Rates! 🚗🌞

Looking to buy a new car or refinance your current auto loan? Now is the perfect time! With our new, low auto loan rates, you can enjoy a smoother ride and lower monthly payments.

Why Choose Our Auto Loans?

  • Competitive rates: Save more with rates designed to fit your budget.
  • Flexible terms: Choose a payment plan that works best for you.
  • Easy application: Fast, straightforward process to get you on the road quicker.

Take the stress out of financing your next vehicle and start enjoying more of the journey. Apply today and relax with our low auto loan rates!

Online Applications

Quest Scholarship 2024

REMINDER!  Get your scholarship application turned in by June 14, 2024.

Quest Scholarship 2024 is here!

Each year, the Board of Directors offers a one-time $500 Scholarship to a full-time college student. The Quest Scholarship is a non-renewable award which is awarded to a credit union member, child or grandchild of a credit union member.

The applicant must be currently enrolled as a full-time student in a 2-year community college, an accredited 4-year university or graduate school.  Also, all applicants must  be planning to continue their pursuit of a higher education. (High school seniors, Class of 2024, are not eligible to apply). Applications will be available through the office and/or on-line from May 1, 2024 with an application deadline of June14, 2024.

Please submit application via link below and email a copy of your most recent transcript to no later than June 14, 2024 to the branch nearest you . The Board of Directors of the White Eagle CU will then review the applications. The winner of the scholarship will be notified via phone and/or email. The 2024 Recipient of the scholarship will receive the monetary compensation for this award.  The 2024 Scholarship recipient will be required to provide proof of enrollment per the above guidelines along with copy of billing or payment of fees and tuition will be required.

If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Britain, Executive Administrative Assistant, at 316-775-7591 or

Click the link below to submit your application.



Click the link below for the adobe reader to read and/or open the application.  


WECU Youth Checking

WECU Youth Checking for ages 14 & Up.
Perfect for youth to keep their monies safe and available for when the need arises for gasoline for school and work, snacks from the vending machine and cups of coffee.
Open your account today! * Parent or Guardian also on the account *until you are 18

White Eagle’s Tree-Tok 2023

Tree-Tok for the holidays.

Through out the holiday season we will be bringing you: Tree-Tok.  Each edition will cover different products, fraud security tips and more. Make sure and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter) and YouTube.

Edition 1:  Cyber Monday Safety (and everyday)





Winter Skip-a-Pay


“Flake Out” on payments with Winter Skip-a-Pay.  This winter take advantage of the WECU’s Winter Skip-a-Pay and “flake out” on *qualified loan payments."Flake Out" on payments with Winter Skip-a-Pay

White Eagle Credit Union is pleased to offer its members, the 2023 Holiday Skip-a-Payment.  Members can choose to skip their qualified loan payments for either the month of November OR December of this year.  This does include all White Eagle Credit Union loans except first mortgages and fixed rate second mortgages.

Check to see if your qualify today.  Fill out and bring in the form below or stop in and see a loan officer today.

Winter Skip-a-Payment Application 2023

Veterans Lunch Cook Out

We are thankful for your service.

To our members that have served our great country, you are invited to our Veterans Lunch Cook Out.

We are thankful for your service and in of your honor we will have a cook out. The cookout will be held at the Augusta branch location on Friday, October 13th from 11am to 2pm. Please represent your branch of service for recognition, example: hat, shirt, etc.


2023 Shred Day

Shred Day 2023

Shred Day 2023. Bring your old documents to our Augusta location for secure, onsite shredding on Saturday, October 21st from 9:00a to Noon. There will be a shred truck in the parking lot for your convenience to deposit your old documents for shredding.

First Annual WECU Retiree Brunch

First Annual WECU Retiree Brunch

“Often, we think we the Credit Union began upon our arrival. That’s not true. We move through our credit Union every day, places that would have never been if not for those that came before us. We have a responsibility to live up to the legacy of those who came before us doing all we can to help who come after us.” – Eric Brown
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023 we held our 1st Annual WECU Retiree Brunch to honor those who retired from WECU. It was great to visit with all those that were able make it.  Thank you for all you have done to make White Eagle Credit Union the place it is today.

Summer Lunch Program

WE Believe in giving back to our communities.

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, White Eagle CU presented a check to USD402 for the upcoming Summer Lunch Program.

FOR 2023:

Where:  Robinson Elementary School – 1301 Helen Street – Augusta, KS

When:  May 30th thru July 28th (No meal July 4th, due to the holiday)
Each day Monday-Friday  11:30 am to 12:30 pm am
Child will be required to eat the lunch in the lunchroom
Free for anyone18 and under


Hello Summer Signature Loan 2022

“Hello Summer”!  Enjoy every moment of your summer and make your days sunnier with a “Hello Summer” Signature Loan from White Eagle Credit Union.  This special summer Loan comes with a low rate of *7.9% APR for twelve months. (subject to approval)
Don’t miss out on this limited time offer – Apply Today!  This limited time offer begins June 01, 2022.

*Loans Subject to Approval. Limited time offer. Hello Summer Signature Loan begins 6/1/22. Example :$1,500 loan at 7.90% for 12 months is $130.44 per months. Federally Insured NCUA. * Rates are subject to change.

Other Loans and Rates

Become a White Eagle CU Volunteer

We would like to thank everyone that has served in the past, currently serve and all those that will volunteer in the future.  We appreciate you.

Become a White Eagle CU Volunteer!

Would you like to serve at WECU?   Become a White Eagle CU Volunteer. We are seeking applications from our membership that would like to serve as volunteers on the WECU Board of Directors or on a Committee.  Please inquire at any branch location and pick up or download a Volunteer Application below.  Applications are due by April 03, 2022.

Why Volunteer?

At WECU, we are more than just a credit union.  We are community builders, friends and neighbors and we give back to our communities every day and it starts with people like YOU.

Volunteers are the heart of White Eagle – they are members like you who donate their time and expertise governing our financial cooperative.  Our volunteers provide WECU with leadership while gaining opportunities for personal satisfaction, growth, education and experience. Volunteers are an integral part of White Eagle CU’s success.

Our volunteers know its a commitment of time and effort that includes attending monthly committee and board meetings.

  • A volunteer must be a member of WECU in good standing for a minimum of six months.
  • Volunteer positions are held for a three year term.

Volunteer Positions

  • Board Member
  • Supervisory Committee

Volunteer Expectations

All volunteers are expected to understand and fulfill the attendance requirements of their respective role and are expected to maintain confidentiality, abide by all policies and governance as required by White Eagle CU and the NCUA.

Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee members may be required to attend continuing education opportunities regarding the credit union industry. All volunteers are expected to support the strategic goals of the credit union and carry forward the mission statement.

Our Mission
White Eagle Credit Union, a financial cooperative dedicated to outstanding personal service, the latest technology and products, and empowering members to improve their financial well-being.

Ready to apply?

Simply fill out an application and email to:, drop off it at one of our convenient branches or mail to:  White Eagle CU  Ref: Volunteer Interest:  2830 Ohio St, Augusta, KS  67010

WECU Volunteer Application





Notice to our Membership

Notice to our Membership

Richard BlueFor those of you that may not be aware, our president, Richard G. Blue, passed away on July 5, 2021. We know you would join us in sending our deepest sympathies to his wife, Shawn, and daughters, Coleen and Crystal, as well as all the members of his family.

How does one close a chapter of a CEO/president who gave 36 years to the White Eagle Credit Union? What words accurately express our gratitude to the man that led this credit union from a tiny office on State Street in Augusta to an organization of three full-service locations in Augusta, El Dorado and Newton?

We don’t have them. But we believe that collectively as a board of directors, employees and members of the White Eagle Credit Union, we could fill pages in his honor. We are grateful and are determined to carry out the legacy of not only Rick Blue, but all those who have come before him for the last 86 years. From the humble beginnings of seven men meeting under an oak tree in Augusta in 1935, to what we are today.

The Board of Directors, in accordance with the Succession Plan of White Eagle Credit Union, has named Jennifer L. Pazzie as Interim President. She will continue with her duties as Chief Financial Officer as well as the presidency at this time. Our Management Team has over 175 combined years of experience with this credit union. They are up for the task and look towards the future with the combined resolution of fulfilling our mission statement of providing “dedicated and outstanding personal service, the latest technology and products, and empowering our members to improve their financial well-being.”


White Eagle Credit Union

Board of Directors

2021 Spring Sweepstakes

This Spring, tidy up how you bank for a chance to win $1,000 with the 2021 Spring Sweepstakes.

Spring is the perfect time to clean up your finances and give them a fresh start.  And as part of our Spring Sweepstakes, you’re entered for a chance to win $1,000 for every qualifying transaction you make made between April 01 through May 31, 2021.

Qualifying Transactions
  • WEPay – Add and pay a new Bill Pay payee with WEPay.  Manage and pay your bills online or from your WEOnline Services and mobile app.
  • eBill:  Activate a new eBill.  Request and use this electronic version of your bill to easily view, manage and pay your bills right from your Bill Pay account.
  •  PopMoney.  Add and pay a new PopMoney.  PopMoney is a quick and easy solution for sending, receiving and requesting money from other people, all from the convenience of your online banking account.
  • External Transfers:  Add and complete an inbound transfer from a new external account. A fast and simple way to move money into your primary bank account, even from another financial institution.

To learn more about this sweepstakes and sweepstake rules, please visit: 


Paying Down Credit Card Debt

Just when you thought 2020 was devoid of good news for Americans – here is a small financial reason to smile! U.S. consumers paid down a record amount of credit card debt this past year.

Tips to paying down credit card debtWEBudget

Paying off credit card debt can seem daunting – especially if you’ve amassed quite a bit. But with determination and some solid advice, living credit-card-debt free is possible. Here are some tips from to get started in the right direction:

  1. Get organized – Gather all the information for every card on which you’re carrying a balance. Note the balances, interest rates, due dates and minimum payment for each card. Add up all the minimum payments on each of your credit cards to determine how much you must pay each month just to stay on top of credit card bills.
  2. Consider paying off the card with the highest APR first –Try boosting your payments on the card with the highest APR and paying the minimums on the remaining cards. Once that card is paid off, move on to the card with the next highest APR.
  3. Or consider paying off the card with the lowest balance first –This may be a method that’s easier to stick to for those who have a difficult time staying motivated without quick gratification. Enjoy the feeling of paying off that lowest balance – then keep paying off from there!
  4. Create a budget –If you’re not spending within your means, you’ll likely never be able to pay down debt.  Create a budget that works for you, leaving wiggle room to pay down that credit card debt. WEBudget is the perfect tool that shows your spending and allows you to create your budget.  Check it out in WEOnline Services.
  5. Be realistic – It’s important to remember that you still need to spend money on necessities (food, clothes, rent, etc.). So be realistic about how much you can put toward your credit card debt each month.
  6. Schedule Payments – You can schedule ongoing payments in WEPay.  You set the dates and amounts. Making it easier to stay ahead and payoff items quicker.


WECU Cardholder Fraud Education

WECU Cardholder Fraud Education.

It is a new year and a busy time of year for everyone including the fraudsters.

Unfortunately, fraudsters have been getting cardholders to share the information they need to commit fraud.  One way is by posing as  financial institution call center agents. They are also known to send text messages that look like they are coming from your financial institution. These text messages may contain a warning of suspicious transaction activities.

Here are some following points to help you avoid compromising your personal information:

Text and Phone Alerts
  • A text alert from Fiserv  warning of suspicious activity on a cardholder’s card will NEVER include a link to be clicked. Cardholders should never click on a link in a text message that is supposedly from Fiserv. A valid notification from Fiserv will provide information about the suspect transaction and ask the cardholder to reply to the text message with answers such as ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘help’, or ‘stop,’ and will never include a link.
  • A text alert from Fiserv will always be from a 5-digit number and NOT a 10-digit number resembling a phone number.
What should I do if I receive a phone call from Fiserv
  1. No information should have to be provided by the cardholder other than their zip code
  2. Only answer “yes” or “no” to their questions.
  3. Fiserv will NEVER ask for the PIN or the 3-digit security code on the back of a card.  Only a fraudster will tell you that they are going to issue you a new card and need your PIN number
  4. If a transaction is confirmed fraudulent, then Fiserv will ask for more information.  The cardholder will then be transferred to an agent who will ask questions to confirm the card member’s identity before going through their transactions.
  5. Feel uneasy about the call or questions, please hang up and call WECU.

Final note:  Please check your account(s) regularly for online for suspicious transactions.  Especially if you are unsure about a call or text message you have received. If anything looks amiss,  please call WECU directly for assistance.

White Eagle CU’s Holiday Skip-a-Pay

White Eagle CU’s Holiday Skip-a-Pay is back.  Holiday Budget, Flexible Pay. Your Way!

White Eagle Credit Union is pleased to offer its members, the 2020 Holiday Skip-a-Payment.  Members can choose to skip their qualified loan payments for either the month of November OR December of this year.  This does include all White Eagle Credit Union loans except first mortgages and fixed rate second mortgages.

Check to see if your qualify today.  Fill out and bring in the  form below or stop in and see a loan officer today.

Don’t forget to also check out our Holiday Signature Loan Special that will be coming in November.

Download your Application today.

Holiday Skip-a-Payment Application 2020

Dad and Me Selfie Photo Contest

Dad and Me Selfie Photo Contest

It’s time for the Dad and Me Selfie Photo Contest.  Submit a photo of your best moment with your dad for a chance to be featured on the KSN TV Channel 3.  The winner will be featured on the 12 pm newscast on June 18th, 2020 and $200 in Visa gift cards. Entries accepted Tuesday June 2, 2020 through Wednesday June 17, 2020.  A winner will be chosen by random drawing on Thursday June 18, 2020 and announced in the 12 pm newscast.

2020 Scholarship Awards

2020 Scholarship Awards.  We are proud to present the following 2020 High School Graduates with a WECU $500 Scholarship Award.  Each student applies for a scholarship through their school counselor and then they are submitted to White Eagle Credit Union and reviewed.

Congratulations to the following:

Andover High School           Carter Schaffer

Andover Central HS             Kinnedy Robertson

Augusta High School            Jacob Reavis

Bluestem High School          Cameron Pirtle

Bluestem High School          Luke Simon – Member drawing

Circle High School                Jade Darnell-McCoy

Douglass High School          Isaiah Wasson

El Dorado High School         Karley Faudere

Flint Hills High School         Justus Humig

Newton High School           Mariah McDonald

Remington High School       Abigail Entz

Rose Hill High School          Dakota Morgan

We wish you the very best in all you do.

White Eagle CU Celebrating 85 Years

A note from our President:

Annual Meeting Notice

By a majority vote of White Eagle Credit Union’s Board of Directors the Annual Meeting scheduled for April 7, 2020, has been cancelled due to the (COVID-19) Coronavirus.

As information regarding the Coronavirus continues to develop, White Eagle Credit Union remains dedicated to closely monitoring the evolving situation. During this period of uncertainty, the well-being of our membership is our highest priority.

The credit union volunteers and staff are in the process of researching different alternatives for handling our election and the ability to vote. The financial reports for 2019 will be posted on the credit union’s website in the near future as the credit union had a good year.

As a reminder, White Eagle Credit Union offers a variety of Online/Convenience Services to access your account 24/7 without leaving your home or work environment. We value your membership and we look forward to serving you in 2020.

Thank you

Rick Blue, President


Join us for our 85th Annual Meeting and Dinner
as we celebrate our past and our future.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Door Open:  6:00pm
Dinner : 6:30 pm
Meeting:  7:00 – 8:00
Augusta High School – 2020 Ohio St, Augusta, KS 67010
Please RSVP by March 31, 2020 that you plan to attend and the number to reserve.  Thank you!  Besides a fun evening and great food you will be placing your vote for our new Volunteers that serve on our Board of Directors and Committees.
  A special thank you to all those that have served in the past, currently serve and all those that will volunteer in the future.  We thank you. 
Open Houses will take place at each branch location on Friday, April 3, 2020.


White Eagle Credit Union making dreams come true for 85 years.

White Eagle Credit Union making dreams come true for 85 years.

Whether it’s a new home, car, growing family, graduations, home improvements, retirement and/or other life events White Eagle has been there; serving members in Butler County and surrounding communities since 1935.

White Eagle is here to meet all your financial needs too!  We offer the latest in technology and products with the personal service you deserve.  We invite you to check us out.  Give us a call, check us out online at White or stop in at one of our convenient locations in Augusta, El Dorado, or Newton.  You will be glad you did.   Our tagline says it all:  Refreshingly Personal.  Remarkably Advanced.