Our Locations:


2830 Ohio St.  Augusta, KS  67010
  • Main: 316 .775.7591
  • Fax: 316.775.3305
  • Loans: 316.440.0090
  • Fax: 316.775.0765

El Dorado

2218 Legion Drive, PO Box 817 (located next to BG Stadium)
  • Main: 316.320.7649
  • Fax: 316.321.3002


300 W Broadway,  Newton, KS  67114
  • Main: 316.283-8517
  • Fax: 316.283.5127

We would love to hear from you!

Text us!  316.775.7591


Or email us at the following departments direct.


If you have questions, comments or feedback, please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

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