Use Our Savings & Loan Calculators to Reach Your Goals!

Calculators help you make informed decisions about your finances. We provide several online calculators to assist in your financial planning. Follow any one of the links below to access our online calculators and get a quick estimate on future earnings or payments!

See how much a single deposit — or multiple deposits — will grow with our handy savings calculators.

Use this calculator to get estimated loan payments, or find a term that works for the payment you’re comfortable with.

Our mortgage calculators are great tools to help you estimate payments or determine the payment schedule that’s right for you.

Our staff is available to assist you in every way possible. We can help answer any questions you might have, so contact us today.

Please Note:  The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made. Using this calculator does not guarantee credit.



2830 Ohio
Augusta, KS 67010

(316) 775-7591

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El Dorado

El Dorado

2218 Legion Drive, PO Box 817
El Dorado, KS 67042

(316) 320-7649

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300 W. Broadway
Newton, KS 67114

(316) 283-8517

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