Start 2020 on Budget

Start 2020 on budget with WEBudget from White Eagle CU. As 2019 comes to an end, it is time to begin thinking about 2020 and the changes you plan to make. One of the first places people want to make a change is usually in their savings, debts and finances. At White Eagle Credit Union, we offer our members the tools to help make personal financial management easy. With our WEOnline Services you can schedule your payments with your WEPay to vendors, automatic to savings and also set up a budget for your expenses with WEBudget. Visit our WEOnline Services .
Start 2020 on budget with WEBudget from White Eagle CU. If you need any help getting your WEBudget or WEPay set up, please let us know. We are here and ready to help you.
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