N3XT Checking Account Logo

Introducing WECU’s newest product – N3XT Checking Account.

N3XT is the easy way to add a few cents to your savings with every WECU debit card purchase.  When you use your WECU debit card, the amount will be rounded up to the nearest dollar and the difference will be deposited into your share account.

  1. N3XT Dollar – Have your change “round up” to the nearest dollar.
  2. N3XT thing –  Saving your extra change makes it easier to purchase your next item.
  3. N3XT Generation – Enrolling in e-Statements are safe and secure while helping save trees.

N3XT helps you save by rounding up your debit card purchase amounts to the nearest dollar.  Your round up amount is automatically transferred to your designated WECU savings account.

To participate in N3XT, you will need a personal checking account with a WECU debit card, a share account and sign up for e-statements.

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as low as 6.00% APR

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as low as 5.70% APR



2830 Ohio
Augusta, KS 67010

(316) 775-7591

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El Dorado

2218 Legion Drive, PO Box 817
El Dorado, KS 67042

(316) 320-7649

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Newton, KS 67114

(316) 283-8517

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